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Salvare App

A Responsive Web App To Help Save Money

Project Summary

To design a responsive website, web app, and/or mobile app allowing all data on income and expenses to be recorded easily, on the go, and from a variety of devices. The tool displays data on the user’s finances (how much money they spend and on what), and tells them what they can do to cut costs and save money in a certain amount of time.

Project Details

Key skills

User Testing, Wireframing, Prototyping, Graphic Design


Figma, Vidyard, InVision, Zoom, Powerpoint

5 W’s


  • For those who want to save money, quickly (e.g. a wedding, a big trip, or a new car).
  • The users are not new to technology but do not like working with their finances.


Based on feedback from the initial interview:

  • Add New Goal
  • Adjust Goal
  • Transfer/withdraw money


  • To save money quickly in preparation for a big purchase or expenditure.


Anywhere whenever want to save money for a big purchase or expenditure.


This tool is accessible from any type of device, and clearly tells users what they can do to save better.


Visual Design

Archivo (Sans serif typeface family) crafted for high-performance typography. It was designed to be used simultaneously in print and online platforms and supports over 200 world languages.


Archivo Bold 40pt

Archivo Medium 32pt

Archivo Italic 18pt

Archivo Thin 14pt

User Stories

User Story 1

When I am trying to save money to buy things, I want to be able to know what my savings goal is so that I will be able to tell how much more I need to save to reach my goal.

Entry Point: Dashboard

Success Criteria: Able to see saving goals

  • Dashboard
  • Goals

User Story 2

When I am trying to save money to buy things, I want to be able to adjust the goals and withdraw/transfer money so that I can prioritize the goals.

Entry Point: Dashboard

Success Criteria: Able to adjust the goals and withdraw/transfer money.

  • Dashboard
  • Goals
  • Goal

User Flow

Wireframe >Prototype


Feedback & Solution


Unclear on wordings “Total spending” & “Saving account”.


Adjusted the wordings “Total spending” to “Total amount added to goals” and “Saving account” to “Undistributed funds”


Should have a way to withdraw/transfer money


Added “withdraw” and/or “transfer” money from goal to goal or to the attached bank account


Add motivational messages when hitting some milestones


Created some motivational messages

Final Design


Thanks for Reading!