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Medication Management App and Companion Website

Project Summary

To create a user-friendly medication management app and companion website to assist busy caregivers and individuals in efficiently managing medication schedules with on-the-go reminders and comprehensive remote support.


To solve the complexity and confusion faced by caregivers and individuals in managing multiple medications efficiently, leading to missed doses and potential health risks.


The goal of the project is aim to simplify medication management provide timely reminders, and offer remote support, ensuring better adherence and overall health outcomes.

Project Details

Key skills

Competitor Research, User Research, User Testing, Wireframing, Prototyping


Figma, Google Meet, Powerpoint

User Research


The user research was conducted by combining qualitative methods, including interviews and usability testing, to gain insights into the needs and preferences of busy caregivers and individuals managing medications. The assumptions going into the research were that users needed a simple and intuitive app with reminders for medication management.

However, after conducting the research, I discovered that users also valued features like remote support for family members and healthcare providers.

The primary motivation for users was the desire for a reliable tool that could streamline medication management and provide peace of mind. The research also highlighted the importance of customization options and visual clarity for older users.

As a result of the research, adjustments were made to the design approach, placing more emphasis on remote support features and ensuring a user-friendly interface suitable for users of all ages and levels of tech-savviness.


Difficulty in locating the “Taken Late” option

The pain point of users struggling to find the “Taken Late” option for marking missed doses indicates the need for a more prominent and intuitive interface element to facilitate accurate medication adherence tracking. Moving forward, the design will ensure clear visual cues and easy-to-access options for marking missed doses, reducing user frustration and promoting timely updates.

Lack of Customization Options

Users expressing a desire for customization options for reminders reveal the need to provide flexibility in setting reminder preferences based on individual medication schedules and routines. In response to this pain point, the design will prioritize the inclusion of customizable reminder settings, allowing users to tailor their medication alerts according to their unique needs and lifestyle.

Limited Features for Remote Support

The pain point related to limited features for caregiver remote support highlights the importance of enhancing communication and collaboration between caregivers and their loved ones. To address this concern, the design will focus on implementing features that facilitate seamless sharing of medication information, ensuring caregivers can provide adequate support and maintain an informed approach to caregiving.


Personas & User Journey Maps

Usability study: Parameters


Study Type:

Unmoderated Usability Study


30 mins


5 participants


United States, remote

For more details on the UX research study plan, click here.

Usability study: Findings

Two rounds of usability studies are conducted, and the studies aimed to gather valuable insights from participants, allowing to identify usability issues and make necessary improvements to enhance the overall user experience.

Round 1 findings

  1. Adding Medications: Straightforward and Intuitive.
  2. Customizable Reminders: Appreciated by Users.
  3. Difficulty in Locating the “Taken Late” Option.

Round 2 findings

  1. Improved “Taken Late” Option Accessibility.
  2. Enhanced Remote Support Features.
  3. Positive Feedback on User-Friendly Interface.


User flow for App/Table

User flow for Companion Website

Accessibillity Considerations

Keyboard Navigation and Focus Indicators

Implementing keyboard navigation support and visible focus indicators to assist users who rely on keyboard input and screen readers. This allows users to navigate through the app and website using only keyboard commands, promoting an inclusive user experience.

Color Contrast and Visual Clarity

Ensuring sufficient color contrast and visual clarity throughout the designs to accommodate users with visual impairments and enhance readability for older adults. For example, we used high-contrast colors for text and buttons, making it easier for users with low vision to interact with the app and website.

Alternative Text for Images

Providing descriptive alternative text for images and icons to assist users with visual impairments who rely on screen readers. By including meaningful alt text, we ensure that users receive essential information from images, enhancing their understanding of the content and functionality.

Wireframe >Prototype

Here are a few examples of transformation from wireframe to High-fidelity.

*Swipe left and right to compare before and after image
Home Page_WireframeHome Page_Hi-Fi
Mark "Taken Late" med_WireframeMark "Taken Late" med_Hi-Fi
Sign up_WireframeSign up_Hi-fi

Size Variations


To provide the best possible user experience, I prioritized optimizing the browsing experience across different devices, including mobile and computer, accommodating users with varying screen sizes and ensuring a seamless experience.

Medication Details_Mobile

Medication Details_Website

High-fidelity Prototype

Final high-fidelity prototype maintained the user flow of the low-fidelity prototype, incorporating design enhancements based on the usability study findings.

Final Designs

Final Mobile Design

Visit MediReminder Hi-fi Prototype for mobile

Final Companion Website Design

Visit MediReminder Hi-fi Prototype for companion website



The designs of the “MediReminder” app and companion website have had a positive impact on users, streamlining medication management and enhancing caregiver support.
A study participant shared, “The app has made a significant difference in managing my parents’ medications efficiently.”

What I learned:

Throughout the project, I learned the importance of user-centric design, incorporating customization options, and the significance of accessibility considerations. Iterative usability studies allowed us to gain valuable insights, leading to a more inclusive and user-friendly solution for caregivers and individuals managing their medications.

Next steps


Usability Testing with Diverse User Groups

Conduct further usability testing with a diverse range of user groups, including individuals with disabilities and older adults, to ensure the app and website cater to a wide audience and meet accessibility standards. This step will provide valuable feedback and insights for refining the user experience.

Incorporating Medication Interaction Alerts

Integrate a medication interaction alert feature into the app to notify users of potential drug interactions, enhancing medication safety and preventing adverse effects. This step will add an extra layer of support and assurance for users managing multiple medications.

User Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Continuously gather user feedback through surveys, focus groups, and feedback forms to address any emerging pain points and make continuous improvements. Staying responsive to user needs will ensure the app and website remain relevant and effective in supporting medication management and caregiver assistance.

Thanks for Reading!