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Libertas App

Location-Based Recommendations Native App

Project Summary

To design an app that will help those who would like to travel full time by giving them information about places to stay and local part-time jobs in a single app. The app will also provide users with a searchable map to make sure they are on the right path.

Project Details

Key skills

Competitor Research, User Testing, Wireframing, Prototyping


Figma, Vidyard, Google Meet, Powerpoint

5 W’s


For those who want to backpack or travel around the world full-time.


An app with features including

  • Map to find a place to stay during the trip.
  • Search local part-time jobs and gigs while traveling to finance the adventure.
  • Direction to get to the destinations.


  • Looking for recommended places to stay or searching for part-time jobs
  • Planning routes to recommended locations


Anywhere during backpacking trips and other extended travel adventures.


Because it creates a one-stop solution to multiple problems that are not present in other location-based recommendation apps on the market.

This is a unique app that includes not only a feature to find a place to stay, but also a part-time job to fulfill their needs during the trip.


Competitor Research

Home Listing Feature

Get inspiration from Airbnb for their home listing features and how the users interact with the host.


Rental Matching Feature

Get inspiration from Apartment List and how they match the users with the potential places to live.

Job Search Feature

Get inspiration from Robert Half of how the users can upload their resume easily and look for a job that matches their skills level and experiences.

Visual Design

Libertas means freedom in the Latin language. When searching for the color palette, I looked for the colors which represent freedom and represent a bright future. This was how I picked two colors that fit these criteria.

HEX #0099FF


Roboto Bold 30pt

Roboto Bold 16pt

Roboto Regular 18pt

Roboto Regular 16pt

Roboto Regular 14pt

User Stories

User Story 1

When I am traveling, I want to be able to book a place to stay ahead of time so that I will feel safer, and it will save me time.

Entry Point: Home Page

Success Criteria: Able to book a place to stay ahead of time

  • Home Page
  • Search for a place to stay
  • Book a place

User Story 2

When I am traveling, I want to be able to find a part-time job so that I will be able to pay for the expense and continue traveling.

Entry Point: Home Page

Success Criteria: Able to find a part-time job while traveling.

  • Home Page
  • Search for a part-time job
  • Apply

User Flow

Libertas_User Flow

Wireframe >Prototype





Feedback & Solution


The middle image background has too much white and doesn’t seem consistent with the rest of the pictures.


Find the image with a similar style or color background to match with the rest of the pictures.


Most users seem to miss the feature that could swipe to the left to delete the unwanted messages.


Added a hint *message underneath the phone screen to remind about the feature without distracting the overall design.

Thanks for Reading!